A downloadable mod

So, your spellcaster Sim is a Virtuoso who has learned every perk. Even the… not so great ones. And thanks to alchemy and all the wealth brought about by practical magic, they’re going to live basically as long as you want them to and… keep amassing useless perk points. Well, maybe they don’t have to be.

Introducing Auryn

This is a very simple utility mod which other modders who are cleverer and more creative than me—and who are therefore inclined to make fun, exciting, and powerful new spells in their mods for your spellcaster Sims to learn—to use. It does require Realm of Magic (in case that wasn't obvious) and Spellbook Injector, which you should already have if you’re big into modded spellcaster gameplay, so go get it!

Anyway, Auryn adds only one spell itself, which can only be learned by Virtuosos practicing practical magic, called Subvenio (from the Latin for, “I will help you”). It will clear your Sim’s charge, just like Discharge. But unlike Discharge, it does not have a cooldown. What blasphemous overpowered nonsense is this, you ask? Ahh, ke-mo sah-bee, but that relief did just come at a cost: one unspent spellcaster perk point. In fact, if you didn’t have one to spare, Subvenio would have been grayed out with a message which read:

Casting this spell requires at least one unspent spellcaster perk point.

So, using Discharge when it’s available is still a wise course of action. But, Subvenio will be there when you want to get a lot of successive casting done and you don’t have a Potion of Prompt Resurrection handy just in case, and perhaps Kuttoe’s Spellcaster Tweaks (which you should also already have!) is making things a tad bit spicy. Subvenio’s not a particularly earth-shattering spell, but the reason it’s actually there is so that other modders can take a look at this package and easily learn how to leverage Auryn’s utilities.

The upshot is that we had a resource going to waste after the spellcaster perks are all learned and a balancing conundrum of keeping spellcasters feeling powerful but challenging, too. Hopefully, if other modders like this idea, Auryn can be a part of the solution to these problems.

Why did you call it Auryn?

Some people playing The Sims 4 nowadays may think I’m into some Spanish boy band. I assure you that this is not the case. When I was a youngin there was a sensation in the cultural zeitgeist called The Neverending Story. This mod is named after the amulet given to Atreyu and later to Bastion. The reasons for this are different between the book and the films, but when Bastion holds the amulet in the realm of human fantasy and wishes for something, his wish is granted at the cost of one of his memories from the real world. Both phenomena—what this mod does and what happens when Bastion makes a wish with the amulet—seem to fall under the notion of expending access to knowledge to instead satisfy some sort of immediate need or concern.

What mods use Auryn?

None that I know of… yet. But when they do, I’ll be sure to list them here!

Auryn-Laden Packages

Beginning with Realm of Magic itself, I will be implementing support for Auryn across a wide array of popular mods which add spells for spellcaster Sims, especially when it seems that those modders may be busy or have closed up shop. To do this, I will be using Lot 51’s excellent Tuning Injector, which is a part of his Core Library. You will need to have downloaded and installed this appropriately in your Sims 4 Mods directory for the Auren-Laden Packages to work (you may find that some other mod you have has already required you to get this). The Tuning Injector is so nifty because it allows me to make packages from which you can choose to nimbly and subtly adjust the configuration of the game or even other mods without unintentionally conflicting or colliding with things Auryn doesn’t need to change and causing problems. For example, the Auryn-Laden Realm of Magic packages already available for download below will work fine with or without Kuttoe’s Spellcaster Tweaks! It’s quite cool.

Auryn-Laden Packages are currently available for download below for:



Deutsch (German)
Blubbie ❤

Do you need any help with Auryn?

Actually… sure. Hit me up on Discord @codebleu if you know any of the following languages, have a copy of Sims 4 Studio, and don’t mind translating a couple dozen strings, then I’ll be happy to credit you here:

  • Chinese (Simplified)
  • Chinese (Traditional)
  • Czech
  • Danish
  • Dutch
  • Finnish
  • French
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Norwegian
  • Polish
  • Portuguese
  • Russian
  • Spanish
  • Swedish
Updated 2 days ago
Published 7 days ago
StatusIn development
CategoryGame mod
TagsSims 4


CodeBleu - Auryn.package 23 kB
CodeBleu - Auryn-Laden Realm of Magic.zip 5.3 kB
CodeBleu - Auryn-Laden r3m's Climatio.zip 3.7 kB

Install instructions

Anything you download from this web page is going to be a Sims 4 package file, so it can be anywhere inside the Mods directory. To get to that directory, follow these steps:

  1. launch File Explorer
  2. click or tap in the address bar
  3. enter:
    %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods
  4. press the return key

Auryn requirements:

All Auryn-Laden requirements:

Development log

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